協辦的升學中心 | Co-organised by

誰應該來參加展覽?| Who should come to the exhibition?

所有對孩子的國際教育感興趣的家庭! 無論您已經有送孩子去’澳洲’的計劃,還是剛剛開始考慮讓您的孩子出國留學,參加這個展覽都是了解在’澳洲’一流學校學習意味著什麼的好方法。 友好的學校工作人員將隨時回答您的所有問題,並幫助您規劃孩子的未來。


All families interested in an international education for their children!  Whether you already have plans to send your child to Australia, or are only just starting to consider study abroad for your child, attending this exhibition is a great way to find out more about what it means to study in a top quality Australian school.  The friendly school staff in attendance will be available to answer all of your questions, and help you to plan for your child’s future.

Don’t miss this opportunity!

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